Motivation is what gets you started and money keeps you driving for the rest of your life. 
Just completed reading the book and and success seems different now... Just for a while think about two imaginary people, John and Timmy. John works 6 days a week for about 7-8 hrs per day and earns 60000 per month...i.e 7,20,000 per year...
Meanwhile, Timmy works just 3 days in a week just for 2 hrs and earns about 40000 a month...i.e 4,80,000 per year...

Now the point comes is who earns more? 
It's very obvious that the digit salary of John is more than his opponent but Timmy is richer..... As an estimate he just works for two hrs and is left with more time than John...

He knows the correct way of investing his time as rest of the time he gives and invest in his skills development, Family, and himself. Because he understands that every human has finite number of heartbeats and he doesn't waste any.

The motive of this story lies in the teachings of the book. We are surrounded by many desires and wants in our life...but to achieve the fullest we don't always need to work hard. Working smart helps us reach the pinnacle of our dreams with lesser efforts and investments.

This can be achieved by a clear understanding of active and passive income... because money is numbers and numbers never end...
For active income, we have to invest our time, money, energy, efficiency, etc..
while passive income comes through our skills and the right use of resources.

For example, you will buy a shop and work there day and night to make active income...whereas another way
could be giving that shop on rent which brings us passive income without much effort and can just give it on remt and earn money in much more easier way......
There are many ways to earn money but the most effective way is to earn passive revenue...
The book emphasis mostly on three ways to do so...
1. By creating your own content or products 
2. Owning your raw ideas
3. Or by reselling...
Your basic knowledge in business and skills in the market will help you to achieve the most.

For better outcomes, we first need to understand what we need to do and the knowledge of what not to do is equally important.

This depends on the 80/20 principle.
Which states that 80% of what we achieve is the result of only 20% of our works.
So it's important to know what's important... Use this principle in daily life to differentiate between  important and less important stuff soo as to increase your outcomes ............
At last good luck with life and achieve the fullest with passive income just like Jhon..!

Thank you for Reading