“You may delay, but time will not”

Do you ever find yourself doing, what you should not be doing during that time, like replying to unread messages or cleaning your room or watering the plants? When what you should be doing, is eating that frog! Brain Tracy the author of this book refers to the frog as the most important task right now, a task that you will definitely procrastinate about latter. Frog is the big, important, hard task and tadpoles are the small, less important, easy tasks. We generally get distracted by these tadpoles and missout on the frog.

How to find the frog!

To find the most important thing that affects your life, write all the things that you need to do. Imagine you went on a vacation and not did a single task from that list, for a week. Now write all the consequences that will happen if you did not complete the tasks! Will the task affect your life in a significant way? Or is it just another tadpole. Having your priorities clear is essential. Analyzing the consequence and drawbacks of not doing the task, will give you a clear idea if it is worth it or not!

Another way to find the frog is to consider doing one thing the whole day! Ask yourself what you can do the whole day that will provide the greatest value. If you can do that thing the whole day and get away with it? For example. For me, that thing will obviously be Coding. But while selecting the task make sure not to choose the easy task, but the most productive task. If you can even find 3 tasks like this. They will contribute to 90% of your success.

If you still can’t decide what is the most important task, your biggest frog? Just do what you avoid the most. Brian says you eat the biggest and ugliest frog first.

How to eat that frog!

The frog is a big ugly thing that no one wants to eat, but it is healthy (not literally). So you have to force yourself into doing it. You need to have the discipline to sit down and complete the task. Some tactics for doing so are listed below:

  Prepare Thoroughly before you begin: for example, if you are sitting to study, you should have all the pens, all the notebooks. Your water bottle, some snacks, you should know what you will study and soo on. Once you start studying your link should not break.


  Put the Pressure on yourself: Only 2% of the people in this world can do their work without any supervision. And they are called leaders. You must be in your command, you should force yourself to get out of your comfort zone. You should be the one always in charge. Because YOU are the boss!

  Take one bite at a time: one of the biggest reasons people don’t even start because they look at the bigger picture. Yes, the whole project is big but you should be only concerned about the task at hand. When a big frog is cut down into small chunks it is not that hard to swallow. Don’t think about reading the whole book focus on finishing the sentence.


I hope this summary helped you understand the key concepts of the book - Eat that frog by Brian Tracy. You can buy the book here:  https://amzn.to/3jZt4VN

Happy Reading