"Worrying is using your imagination to create things that you don't need to deal with"

Do we cherish life...? or worry and waste it inspite of having everything to be happy...?
Do you felt like you are overthinking and being sad for no reason?

'I have never known even 6 happy days in my life'....... this statement was once given by the great Napoleon Bonaparte in spite of having fame, money, power and all kind of resources... and on the other hand, Helen Keller being deaf, dumb, and blindly accepted her life to be the most beautiful and cherished. Strange...isn't it ?...This was just because of the difference in their perspective to see their problems....and that's what i finished learning from this book...take a second to think....does this happens with all of us?

Researches tell that people who worry more dies early....yess its true!
Can one believe that most of our illnesses are caused by stress, worries, fears, hate, jealously, and most of all overthinking...! these small issues can easily be resolved by simply stop worrying.
How to stop worrying and start living tells us to fight all the worries we have been holding for no reason...

There are 3 steps mentioned to let your worries flee.

1. Analyze your situation fearlessly with being honest to yourself... and.figure out what would be the worst conditions you would be in. This will help you to know the most awful situation you can be in.

2. After insights into your fears and worst situations, accept it mentally, physically, and emotionally. this helps you to ratify and face them.

3. Now think about the possibilities and opportunities to fix those conditions. once you are aware of your worries, you can think of the solutions to fight them. this will help you analyze how silly your problems are.

These very simple steps can make you understand your worries and solutions.
We stake our valuable entities merely for materialistic things. For example, in the urge to get more we sometimes sacrifice our peace of mind which affects our health.

We waste our time counting misfortunes and lackings... instead of feeling gratitude towards our blessing... we either live in our past or worried about our future assuming or regretting... this is what the main cause of worry is. the only way to fight it.. is to live in the present moment. fearless and brave with no regretting of pasts and assumptions of the future. Don't allow yourself to get upset on small things that aren't that big as we assume them to be and start to worry.

Researches prove that 85% of the stuff we worry about never happens with us. so just start living in the present moment with no fears and appreciating what we have with 100% of our hearts.

1. Don't let small worries rule your present life
2. Start to feel gratitude towards what we have.
3. Change your perspective to see your life.
4. Don't assume your problems to be big
5. Don't regret or assume problems instead find a way to let yourself out of it.
6. Don't stake your valuable gifts like time health..for merely materialistic things...

You can buy the book at the lowest price from here:- https://amzn.to/2WdEM5J

Thank you for reading...