"Whatever the MIND can conceive and believe... it can ACHIEVE it."

Think and grow rich is a masterpiece given by Sir Napoleon Hill...The title of the book itself gives an idea about the book... It's strange to believe but it's true to get rich just by thinking about it...
Laws of success are the same for everyone. Because they are universal ... Then why some people get success and some don't? Or don't you want to become rich? Don't you envy about a formula to get rich?

Answers to all such questions lie inside this amazing book.
We always blame our situations and conditions for our failure...right?
But  One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting in the middle when we are overtaken by temporary defeat and misfortunes. Riches begin with a state of mind and definiteness of purpose. The only key to achieve your motives is to believe in yourself... because you and only you are the masters of your fate and captain of your soul...

The first step to all the achievements is the burning desire...Our desire should be soo keen that it should turn into an obsession and then into riches. Sir Napoleon Hill almost spent 20 years of his life studying more than 500 successful people and brought us this book. The foremost thing he taught, is having a burning desire... which proceeds by having faith in ourselves no matter what life throws at us... Riches only comes to those who are ready to believe in the power of their brains and thoughts... if you decide and believe in yourselves then not only becoming rich but any goal of your life can be achieved ...

No one is ever defeated until one accepts it. Have faith in yourself and your desires... Auto-suggest yourself about major decisions start having control over your life, Don't let others or situation rule it. Have specialized knowledge of what you want in life. Imagination, organized planning, decision making, and our sixth sense...all these elements combine to take us to riches.

~ Have a burning desire 
~ Don't ever quit on your goals..even after temporary defeats...
~ Success comes to those who believe in themselves
~ Become success conscious
~ Start believing in the power of your mind

There is a six-step formula provided in the book to achieve your dream and money...
All these steps are explained but the only condition is to follow them regularly.

1. There is a psychological reason for definiteness... The first step is to decide the exact amount of money you want in the future, write the proper and definite amount in numbers and figures.

2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. For example, your time, hard work, etc. There is no such reality as "something for nothing".

3. Establish a definite date, time, year, and how to possess the money you desire.

4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire. Having a definite goal and a proper plan helps to achieve it promptly. After having a plan in your hand start all at once and continue till you achieve it...

5. You should maintain a diary, notebook, or pages and write all the aspects given above.

 6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. The last step is very important don't miss this...

 "As you read, see, feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money you can archive it" 
although Riches comes to those who clasp it.with a strong will and believing in oneself.

You can buy the book at the lowest price from here:- https://amzn.to/2A6NomO

Thank you for reading...