This is the summary of the fist habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit Seven: Sharpen the saw

This is the last but the most important habit which provides a strong foundation for all other habits. This habit is based on renewing the four fundamental aspects of human essence, that is... Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional/ social...

By 'Sharpening the Saw' The author basically means to exercise all the four dimensions regularly and consistently in a wise and positive manner... It means to invest our time in enhancing all these four aspects so as to be effective in all the other 6 habits.

These aspects are......

~Physical dimension- It involves taking care of our physical strength, appearance, and structure...This can be achieved by regular exercising, adequate food habits, and proper rest cycle...

~Spiritual dimension- A quiet mind is able to hear intuitions over fear. And to reach the state of mind we have to practice meditation daily .we have to work on our spiritual being. Spirituality is a commitment to oneself and our value system..Communication with nature, meditation, literature, music all these help to enhance your spirituality

~Mental dimension- By improving ur mental health you can drive ur mind towards any direction of your will... Simply renewing your mental health means expanding your limits of mind, To sharpen this it's very important to keep periodicals of your thoughts the way uh think the way you control urself..literature, self-help podcasts may help 

~Social/ Emotional dimension- Developing your social skills means formulating bonds with society colleagues and several individuals. Start understanding people, make contributions in other's life, seek and give help at times of need...

Here is the Book....... Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People ends...with a beautiful quote

"Your commitment to achieving what matters most will become the foundation for tremendous accomplishments and contributions. You will become the change you seek to make."

-Stephen Covey

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary

Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here -  First Habit 

Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here - Third Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fourth habit from here - fourth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fifth habit from here - fifth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the sixth habit from here -  Sixth Habit

You can buy this book from here -

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