This is the summary of the fifth habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit Five: Seek first to understand then to be understood

"Most arguments are not really disagreements, but rather are little ego battles and misunderstandings"

Communication is the most important life skills. You spent most of your working hours communicating which involves speaking, writing, reading, and listening... How effectively do uh communicate? The author gives a clear understanding of how not only effective speaking does certify productive communication but also adequate listening skills do...

If you want to have a significant conversation with any being the foremost thing is to understand them first. To become effective in your interpersonal have to develop the skills of emphatic listening on the base of your character... which helps to built trust and inspires openness...

Most of the people do not listen with an intent to understand but moreover to reply. Start convincing people by first indulging yourself in listening and understanding them before replying or giving them conclusions. Make them realize that you are seriously and genuinely into their conversation... Effective listening will take you towards an effective personality and will also build strong bonds between the individuals...

~Communication skills are one of the most essential aspects of building relationships
~Not only effective speaking but also adequate listening skills are required to built and gain trust.
~Try to understand before replying
~Become genuinely interested in other problems.
~Character plays an important role in developing strong bonds

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here -  First Habit
Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here - Third Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fourth habit from here - fourth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the sixth habit from here -  Sixth Habit

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