This is the summary of the fourth habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit 4: Think win-win

"To lead people, walk behind them..."

The very basic and prominent tradition that human character retains is selfishness. There is no such reward for not cooperating but its in human veins naturally. In this chapter Stephen wants us to know about the six paradigms of interactions That is..lose-lose, win-lose, lose-win, win-win, win, and no-deal... The only paradigm which pursues the best interpersonal relationships among individuals is the win-win condition.
Moreover, the situation decides this the best.

When one side benefits more than the other, that's a win-lose or a lose-win situation. To the winner, it might look like success for a while, but in the long run, it breeds resentment and distrust among them. The win-win technique is a character-based protocol for effective interactions and human collaborations..... Let's take an example of a company...the administrator of the place was once fed up by the non-cooperative attitude of his employees, to cope up with it he decided to reward a Holiday trip to the MOST COOPERATIVE EMPLOYEE... Guess what the results would be...?? The employees now were more selfish towards each other and even less cooperation was seen...the problem became worse.

Which left us with an answer from the question itself that, How we can promote collaborations when we are all set up in a competition against each other...? This is all that Sir Covey wanted us to explain. that both parties can win with just a change in mindset.

~ Cooperative attitude makes us more productive and close to success
~ All six paradigms are important corresponding to the situations
~ The best door to built incredible human
~ Interpersonal relationships are to follow Win-win paradigm
~ Its not always necessary to compete to succeed.
~ Collaboration sometimes makes us achieve exceptionally...

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here -  First Habit 
Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here - Third Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fifth habit from here - fifth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the sixth habit from here -  Sixth Habit

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