This is the summary of the sixth habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit Six: Synergize

"What does the word synergy basically means.......?" 

When two or more organizations or individuals create a combined effect incredible than the sum of their separate effect and that's what is called synergy ...... The best solution to any human conflict is to synergize... The basic concept of synergy is that you and I together are far more effective than what we are alone...
We in earlier classes learned about a very basic maths concept, The WHOLE is greater than the sum of its small parts.......

Explains it all, The Author wants us to know that you can get incredible, fast, and effective results when we synergize... Let's take another example of saplings. A mindful gardener always plants two trees close to each other so that the roots of both the tress synergies to grow more efficiently with less amount of resources and at a faster rate. The same happens with humans...collaborations and teamwork give us great and more effective results than working alone.

We have numerous amount of many such examples which effectively tells the importance of synergy...
In the previous chapter, we came to know about human relations....and this continues here with synergizing and creating great outcomes...


~Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress and working together brings success
~Being a team makes results more effective and fast.
~surround urself with those who have same Goals to collaborate
~Syncronize as to solve all human conflicts

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here -  First Habit 
Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here - Third Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fourth habit from here - fourth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fifth habit from here - fifth Habit

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