This is the summary of the third habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit 3: First Things First

"If you don't have time for things that matters...
Then stop doing things that don't"

This chapter revolves around our very disastrous habit... the habit of giving priority to the less important stuff. We often get indulge in numerous kinds of quirks which makes the important things last in the queue, You are the creator...creator of your imaginations, decisions, and actions... For a perfect future, it's very important to have a skill of management and proper administration of your goals...

There are basically four human endowments:
Self-awareness, conscience, imagination, and independent will, This whole Chapter gives emphasis on the independent will which means to make decisions and choices and act in accordance with them. Effective management teaches us how to put first things first and in accordance with it an effective leader lets out what that first thing is.

With effective management and leadership skills, a self-discipline quality arises from within..this helps one to be able to manage time as well which isn't everyone's cup of tea. People these days are literally beaten by the problems all day and every day, which can only be swept by escaping things that don't need much attention... By doing this you can easily differentiate between what matters for a well-built future and what needs a full break.


~Become your self-manager
~Try to prioritize important things
~Have a clear vision and a proper 
~ Administrative of your goals
~Effective leaders practice self-discipline And regularity.

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary
Read the detailed summary of the first habit from here -  First Habit 
Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fourth habit from here - fourth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fifth habit from here - fifth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the sixth habit from here -  Sixth Habit

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