This is the summary of the fist habit suggested in the book "The 7 habits of highly effective people".

Habit One: Be Proactive

"Your ability to do what you just did is uniquely human" 

We, humans, have distinct integrity of self-awareness which makes us diverse in the world. This human quality helps us understand ourselves, our potential, our lackings, our paradigms, and even our success...

Mindset plays a very drastic role in what we are today, and even what we will be like in the future...Our success will be determined by how we forge our thoughts, actions, and primarily our reactions...
According to Mr. Stephen R. Covey, "Our mindset is chiefly driven by other's opinions and thinking about us" which most of the time wraps our true personality and our real being.

In discovering the basic principles of human nature. the first and most basic habit of a highly effective person in any surroundings came out to be 'The Habit Of Proactivity'... Being proactive means more than merely taking initiatives. The author in this chapter explains all the aspects held on by a proactive person.

Highly Proactive people have the proficiency to take responsibility for their own actions.
They don't blame circumstances, people's opinion or conditioning for their behavior and actions... and thus they act wisely on the other shore, Reactive people are constantly affected by their physical environment which extensively affects their performance. The chapter also covers topics like taking initiatives, the circle of concern, the circle of influence, and the concept of direct problems, indirect problems, and the problems that we have no control over...


~ Become self Aware
~ Create your own mindset towards success
~ Don't let others opinion drive your mind
~ Don't be reactive, be proactive
~ Take 100% responsibility for your actions

Read the Summary of the whole book from here - The 7 Habits summary
Read the detailed summary of the second habit from here - Second Habit
Read the detailed summary of the third habit from here - Third Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fourth habit from here - fourth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the fifth habit from here - fifth Habit
Read the detailed summary of the sixth habit from here -  Sixth Habit

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