"It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped into"

"Take a moment to imagine. Suppose your friend bought a bat and a ball for rupees 110. The bat cost 100rs more than the ball then what did the ball cost" Reread the statement and try to answer as fast and possible

Its pretty simple to tell the answer without taking much time. If you are an average person like me your answer would be 10 without any doubt.

But just think twice
Did actually the ball costs rs 10...
It's dramatic but the answer is 5...
Yes as 5 is the coast of the ball and bat is 100 more than 5 ie 105...
105(Bat) + 5(Ball) = 110

Isn't it astonishing that Even after knowing basic math we did this mistake?
This happens in our daily life situations as well Because of the thinking capabilities of our system
Our brain works on two systems

System 1) It is mostly fast irrational and illogical but is still mostly used by us for most of the time in our day to day works and deeds but oops, this system gave us a wrong answer... If this system is so absurd then why do we use it too much to a greater extent? its because our brain only wants us to be in solace and comfort without giving much stress or efforts to work or think much

On the other hand, is System 2) Wich is slow, rational, and logical this deals with things that are to be considered important and takes time for decisions.....

Life is a race and we all are the competitors. so in the scramble, we mostly use system 1 and make wrong decisions to things which require much more attention and concerns...
There are some simple tricks we can bring in action to start thinking rationally and avoid problems...

Give a look at this example...

Fruits are a very important source of nutrients. They help us to be fit and healthy. Fruits intake is much recommended. During a survey in London, people were told about fruits and their importance in our lives then were asked to fill the missing letter. You can also try...
I bought a YELLOW___.

About 82% of people told the word banana... And maybe you thought the same 
This is called priming of thoughts. when our brain is made to think about a certain condition or even a simple talk the brain connects it with all the data just fed in or what you have heard or seen...
Like happened in banana case..as first they were told about fruits and then were asked to fill ..your brain was primed with fruits so your brain connected yellow color with banana.
Similarly, we can prime our brains to do what we want it to. This is the reason why we are told to get up early and read something motivational... this primes our mind with positive thoughts and the rest of the day goes on motivated and productive.

2. Science of availability, We often remember and implement things which creates a fear in us....example tv, media...we are more influenced by negatively other than to see the positive side...similarly we are so influenced by people saying nasty talks about us rather than keeping in mind the positive ones...people start to think about their lacking just because of sayings of others...this is due to their fears of getting judged and uses system 1 to take decision....don't be the product of other's opinion, be the stock of your intuitions.  so next time you hear gossips about you just remember the positives you have in you...
Because the more you love your decision and the way you are...the less you need people to love them... 

If you want some more hacks like these. let us know in the comment section.

You can buy this mindblowing book from here: https://amzn.to/3ioa5Dr

Happy Reading