"Don't stop yourself until you are proud of you!"

Did you ever got motivated after watching or reading something inspiring and just after a day or two your enthusiasm goes down?

Or Just as me, planning a day before to get up early and deciding not to waste a single minute over less useful stuff?

Even after spending years exploring this topic author Daniel still have a keen interest in discovering more because the science behind this, is really freaky....! According to the author, motivation is broad of 3 kinds...

The very First is MOTIVATION 1.0

This was the motivation used by people to survive in earlier times. This is completely survival-based. their motivation was to earn food and so did encouraged them.

Then came Second kind - MOTIVATION 2.0

This is called carrot and stick method or commonly called as "if this them, that" method 

Remember your parents telling you if good grades then gifts or your teacher saying if you don't do homework then you will get punishment. This is the most common form of motivation which we not only got since childhood but also can be seen in every aspect of life, for example in your job and career

If you do well then you will be promoted Or If you work hard then you will succeed...

But the author wants us to know that More than 100s of studies proved that MOTIVATION 2.0  is not always useful and effective. And a study done at MIT proved this to be right, Several bunches of students were given different tasks and works for which they were awarded prizes.

For Simple and light physical tasks the carrot and sticks method worked adequately but as the tasks went on difficult, complex, little tricky, and creative the results went totally opposite. The performances went bad even after giving high rewards like money. Researchers were astonished by the results because of the fact they and even we all heard from ages that high rewards create high performances. Is this really true? Researchers came to India to test method 2.0 as there was a value of money here. People here were told to do specific tasks for which the less effective people will be reward with 2 weeks' salary, medium effective people with 1-month salary and most effective people with 2 months of salary. Results were so surprising that the performance of less and medium effective people was almost the same and the performance of the most efficient people was worse. (why? keep reading) Every single experiment, the results were the same. this proved that MOTIVATION 2.0 was not so beneficial even though it was the most used technique till now.

Then discovered was the next technique MOTIVATION 3.0, which is also called as Intrinsic motivation. This is the best way to motivate yourself and even others as in previous trick money as a reward showed negative results just because of a mindset of our subconscious. The reason behind the failure of 2.0 was because of the belief that tough, critical, and difficult tasks pay high rewards and due to this our efficiency goes down only by assuming it to be difficult and results come out to be unfavorable. In 3.0 the motivation is from within .i e intrinsic.

Research gave three factors that help to work on motivation 3.0, which brings a feeling of satisfaction, fulfillment, and better performance.

We can remember it by the acronym

    A    M    P

Autonomy ____|      |      |____ Purpose


1.Autonomy - It means self-governed. This means to live your life on your rules and conditions which means having control over your life. Now the question arises govern in which aspects...

The answer is in aspects of time, task, team, technique, and technology... the 5 Ts to autonomy.

2. Mastery - We all have a hidden urge to be good at specific things.and to become master at that we work without even getting paid. For example, I have an urge to learn casio..for which I don't need any money as a reward, Similarly, all of us may have different hidden desires say cricket, dancing football painting, etc. Mastery is a mindset our brain our skills our talents nothing is fixed so just develop a mindset to achieve mastery in certain things you like, mastery in anything will give you pain as you have to leave your comfort zone and enter in stress zone with is quite painful, but you will keep going!

3. Purpose - it's observed that many big and successful companies do not keep the money as their targets but have a purpose as their visions and this is the only secret for people to go on work. This creates new ideas and effectiveness in their work.

Purpose helps people to get up and work. Which makes them feel something bigger than themselves, it gives you the feeling of self-worth. For a successful life, you should know to tell your life aim in just a single sentence.

Steve Jobs said -  I want to create a Ding in the universe.

Abraham Lincoln wanted - Saved Union, give freedom to slaves

Roosevelt wanted to win the war and free America from the phase of depression.

Just like them take a moment to think about your life goal. What do you want from life or changes you want to see around you or anything which keeps you going. Just remember the distance between your dreams and reality is called action and to work on those you need to find you are worth it!

you can buy this wonderful book from here - https://amzn.to/3gZnv8R

Happy Reading