"The most reliable way to predict the future is, to create it"

What is the most important thing to get success?

According to Brian Tracy, the author of this book, the best answer to this question lies within the writing. Yes! it's just writing all your goals wishes. make plans to achieve it and work on them every single day.

How to write your plans and the best ways of getting rich is described in detail in one of our posts. Think and grow rich by  Napoleon Hill

Famous writer Hubbard once said that people don't fail because of a lack of potential, But only Because of a lack of management of goals and proper allotments to our brain.

So here are 5 best tips to achieve your goals and ambitions.

1. Unlock your potential - Surveys in Stratford Academy tells that an average human just uses 2%of his goal-seeking powers in his entire life. But did you notice we have 98% more powers to achieve our dreams than we just use... it's much similar to winning a lottery of 1 crore and using just 2 lakhs of it. the very first step towards achieving is believing, believing in yourself, your capabilities and your potentials

2. Take charge - The biggest and most horrible enemy of any human is their own negative thoughts and negative emotions.

Studies prove that what ruined human life at worst was not the disease but their own negative thoughts. so it's very very essential to stay away from negative emotions.

And to do so you have to quit these four habits

• Justify your negative emotions

• Rationalizing

• Caring about others opinions

• Blaming situations or others for your circumstances.

"you don't have to be perfect but you have to be 100% committed"

3. True goal - If I would ask what would you need in your life do you have a proper answer with you? Charles Garfield Researched on people even though whose life wasn't so ideal came out with great success.

He found one thing common in everyone. that was their goal-setting method.wich is called The blue sky thinking.

 In this, people set their goals just like the sky...seamless and infinite... people set big unbounded and without any limit.

 Mark victor recommends writing 100 goals and dreams in a diary or a notebook you wish to complete. this gives a clear understanding and wanting about your wants

"A little progress every day adds up to big success"

4. Planning - Once INC magazine took interview of about 50start ups... out of which some were with proper plans and most weren't. Results after 2- 3 years were expected, that companies with the proper plan very successful and those were with no proper format collapsed or didn't work, now what was so astonishing was..these companies with just a mare plan didn't even look at them for once after they made it...

Why did this happen?  It was because even the process of making a plan is much more beneficial than actually working on it..this doesn't signify that you should not work on your plans but it's all about framing one.

Now the point comes here is to set the big goals in small parts, like starting from yearly to monthly to weekly to daily plans.

What will make you perfect, Is the process itself.

"Success isn't overnight, its when every day you get better than before, it adds up"

5. Measure progress -Last, but this is the most important point of all.its very certain that humans want to get praised and feel appreciated. Even if we follow all the 4 steps mentioned above but ignore this last step our success would be incomplete and not 100%. This pleasure of getting praised is beneficial in the path of dream treasures. What you have to do is just measure your progress... Whatever your achievements are even if a small one, just consider them and take time to appreciate yourselves. This increases your trust for yourself and you will be able to achieve more. Your confidence in yourself will take you to the ultimate goal of your life... So Think big but start small.

you can buy this book from here  - https://amzn.to/3hTuHUm

Happy Reading