"Personality reveals itself more clearly through our actions than through our words"

Have you ever sat under a tree or a quiet place with a cold breeze passing by you and a thought running in your mind about you?

If not, then just for a while ask yourself that what 3 words would describe you the most as an individual? In the race of discovery about yourself, the most crucial part is to know how confident are you. Confidence is like a superpower once you start believing in yourself, you start to discover the real magic. 

For real success you need a confident personality and lack of which causes anxiety fears and failure. Now the most common reason for lack of confidence is the feeling of inferiority. You would communicate much more confidently to a 5-year-old child than to a CEO of a multinational company. because the reason is the feeling of powerlessness 

When we feel ourselves to be inferior we tend to lose our power which becomes responsible for our mistakes and regrets which then ultimately results in confidence failure.

Amy the author of this book once met with a car accident. This caused her a head injury and doctors gave up in her...even after all this she completed her graduation and even became a professor at Harvard Business School. Now how did she got so confident and challenged her own injuries...?

The answer lies within her own research.

The author discovered a scientifically proven technique to build confidence within themselves. which also helped her and can help us even.

The trick is 


Imagine yourself winning a game or your favorite sports team winning or any human in their winning posture... 

Yes, the posture would be like a big Y with his both hand up or an X with hands and legs stretched. Now, this position is called Universal victory position, universal because irrespective of their caste religion county city, etc. Each and every individual possess this victory posture after an accomplishment.

There is a hidden science behind this when we feel confident powerful optimistic and positive we tend to open up and cover more space. whereas you might have noticed a depressed powerless and unhappy person sitting isolated within a small place.

For humans, this is not only applicable to victory situations but also while communication, Every one of us has heard that our subconscious brain is telling us how to react in every situation and take action...

Amy's study brought a new theory that the reverse could also happen just like our brain controls our actions similarly our actions can also control our brain.

In an experiment, people were divided into two groups. the first group was told to be in powerful victory positions like stretching their hands, victory posture, hands behind the head, batman posture, etc, and the others were told to take less space like folding their hands bending their heads down etc.

Just After 2 mins, all the members were taken for a blood test. results were so astonishing that doctors were truly amazed. the group with victory and confidence positions were found out to have 20% more testosterone which is responsible for risk-taking confidence-building and dominance hormone whereas second group testosterone levels went down by 15%.

Power postures tell our brains to be a winner and increase our confidence level. That's why we are told to exercise or even simply stretch as soon as we wake up in the morning. This keeps us motivated and confident all day long.

So to conclude, before any stressful situations just try to be in a power pose mostly a victory pose y or x

And even if then you aren't able to control your nervousness then try to convert negative emotions to positive ones just by saying and feeling excited about the situation...

At last, the quickest way to acquire confidence is to do what you are afraid to...

You can buy the book from here - https://amzn.to/3hYD29s

Happy Reading