"See yourself living in abundance and you will then attract it!"
Even after being the most kind-hearted or richest person on this planet... if you will jump off a building you will tend to fall down... this is quite obvious because every one of us knows about the law of gravity... we always agree all these laws as they are universal and are being taught to us.
But apart from these book known laws are those principles which are not known to all but are universal and 100% valid
Knowingly or unknowingly whatever rich and successful people have achieved it's just because of a simple law and that is the law of attraction.
Before going ahead it's important to know what the law of attraction actually means.
Just imagine yourself a magnet... which attract happenings... it's a simple theory that you attract things you think... If your thoughts are unfavorable adverse and negative then mishappenings will take place whereas if your thoughts are positive effective and optimistic then you will seem to attract that positivity around you. It signifies clearly that what you think happens with you in reality.
Is thinking about what you want enough. Yes! but there is a certain way... we all mostly focus on what we don't want, than what we want, that's truly a negative way of thinking. it's like, every morning you wake up and tells yourself not to get late for the school office collages etc....nd mostly then you tend to get late. why didn't this law applied here then... it will be wrong to say didn't apply because the law of attraction is applicable in each and every case. then why you get late? it's just because of dominant thoughts.
If your thought is I should not get late then Dominance will be late and that will happen...you will get late... Instead, your sentence to yourself will be I will reach early... Then the positive word would dominate and will happen... so the very first thing is to see the stress in your sentences. the more positive your dominating words will be the more will they attract positivity...
The universe takes care of every single thought of yours ...
I selectively choose some lessons from this amazing book listed below to overpower yourself than others...
1.The secret to you: its told that love to be loved... but this acts totally opposite..first love yourself to let others love you the way u want yourself to be. It works like, Suppose me a teacher. so for being an effective one I need to know first what to and how to teach before teaching. similarly, before you want others to love you it's very essential for yourself to love you the same way... if you don't like the way you are even others will not because you already told the universe about that. You seem to look more attractive and desirable just by accepting who you are... Just try it once. Before stepping out just look at yourself in a mirror even without makeup or accessories or much formal branded clothes you can look glam......... What you need to do is accept.
2. Possibility of mindset: now as we came upon the idea of this law it's very important for us to know where it really works and its aspects... we mostly loose because we accept it... It's all your mindset how you look things at. I was being told in my earlier classes that maths is the most difficult subject and what i noticed was that it really seemed difficult to me...it was just because of my mindset that it was difficult...every human have different perspectives on different things...so its very important for all to keep positive ones...maybe a person would seem rude or harsh might be a person with a very soft but introvert behaviour...so it's really important to keep positive perceptions...
3. Interpersonal relationships...now this comes to a very sensitive topic where most of us suffer..may it be any relation with any human each and every person need to know that these interpersonal relations can be improved by this law of attraction..... thoughts play a very important role in this...if you came across a situation of misunderstandings them, instead of thinking all negative and attracting negative towards you just take a while to clear them...what happens is overanalyzing a situation can attract unnecessary negatives can those things would happen which were not supposed to be ..maybe like conflicts, drams distances, etc... so just think wisely.
I'll conclude with a thought of mine.....
When you Fall in love with taking care of yourself... everything you love will fall in love with you.
You buy this book from here - https://amzn.to/2Rqlur4
Happy Reading!