This astonishing book takes you to a voyage of 7 tricks which the author discovered while studying Leonardo da Vinci... This is the second part of this summary 

In the previous one, I told you about the author and the book ideal... and his 2 principles. The remaining will be covered in this part, Before moving ahead just go through part 1 for a better understanding, Because the noblest is in the joy of understanding .....

You all Must have come across, even just once the worlds best painting - Mona Lisa

Its is a half-length portrait painting  and is considered an archetypal masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance and has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world" also the painter was Ambidextrous that means people who can write with both of their hands... just for a sweet conclusion the genius was universal and was nonother than Leonardo da Vinci

It's so much to learn from him. So let us continue with the 3rd point...

3. Sensazione... which means sensations.

Da Vinci was a person who used all his sensations he had. Making it simple to understand, we have 5 senses that are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch...

The question that comes here is what success and becoming a genius has to do with our senses... To prove my point I would like to tell you, To a blind man who just uses his rest senses to do all his work. have uh noticed them doing it so carefully and with all the presence of mind in that task... so what the point comes out is to use them 100%... If you are reading just say it and hear it... if you are watching a movie or any view just be there fully... now with this, the author wants us to tell, not to get distracted in doing what you are up to. if your drinking water just feels it flowing all inside and do all day to day works and deed to your fullest.

4. Sfumato - comfort with paradox...

Da Vinci had a very unique ability to understand the opposite situations or opinions and phenomenon. It's just about under the situation and thinking it the way the opposition will.

For example, many teenagers might relate this with themselves... sometimes our parents treat us as a grown-up, and sometimes we are being treated like small comfort with paradox means to understand that in both cases, the situation is different. May be for taking care of your young siblings you might be mature but at the same time for outings, you might be immature. so everything depends on the situation itself. it just needs a vision to understand.

5.Arte/Scienza: The development of the balance between science and art, logic, and imagination. 

Do you know the fact that in this universe arts and science both are given the same places... it's like science is as important as art is. Today's new mentality gives rise to a concept that science is all that matters....but it isn't true... Just as watching a tv show is all because of science...but the show itself is an art....and also all the successful and top products or services in both arts and sciences in a balance.

So for a movie called life to be a superhit we need a talent called art...

6. Corporalita' – cultivating fitness and poise.

What according to you is a very important point other than knowledge to gain success and become a genius... its definitely good health... Sir Vinci was a very fit person even much more than today's reel life heroes and fitness icons... the reason behind that was his regular and planned routine for exercises... he was a good swimmer he knew horse riding was an athlete and a fit person overall... the author wants us to know the value of getting fit and also utilize the morning when others waste the time in sleeping...

 To know more about the morning habits for being an effective person do visit my blog... Miracle morning.

7.Connessione – an appreciation for the interconnectedness of things—systems thinking

You must have heard that to see a change in the world, start to change yourself first. Now this implies we all are connected... connected in a way that every single action of ours ultimately affects us accordingly.. we are directly or indirectly connected to the universe and just realization can take us to things we want. it's strange to believe but that's a fact that what we think we have. How!? it's all because of Connections with the universe.

Things are too strong to be just coincidences... for example, I read a book, found it helpful and the idea of sharing with you all came... you read, had a positive impact and maybe somewhere changed your everything is interrelated and connected it's just a matter of realizations....

At last, I would like to end up with a very powerful quote that states...

"We are the universe itself expressing ourselves to be humans for a while"

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Happy Reading!