"We always think anyway so why not choose it to be big"

What according to you makes a person ideal. Everyone follows a person or more and knowingly or unknowingly adopts them in themselves. For the author that one person was Leonardo da Vinci...

Until I came upon this book even I followed different people for different aspects of knowledge and understandings but sir Vinci inspired me in a way no one did.

Very few Asian people would know exactly who sir Vinci was, and why was he called universal genius or genius of all time...

He was a painter, an inventor, a sculptor, a scientist, an engineer, a mathematician, and also a writer. it that enough if no then let me add some more.....above all these he was also the master in anatomy, geology, botany, literature, astronomy ......which means he was the master carrying universities inside him and also at that time when there was no internet or any such facilities.

Now why I am telling you all this is just because I want you to think like da Vinci, same as the author wanted us to...

Since the author's childhood. He was a very big follower of da Vinci... he was so inspired by him that after some years he started to research about him so passionately that finally, he came up with several ideas for people to become like him.

So in his book think like da Vinci he described those seven principles that can make you a genius...

Let's begin with the very first principle that is

1. Curiosita' – an insatiable curiosity...

Now, this might seem such a simple task to do... just to be curious... but that's not so simple as it looks like...  Author says da Vinci was the most curious person ever known. He was so curious that he always wanted to investigate and explore things he found new... this habit of him made him who he was... As blessed are curious because they shall have adventures. no one was as curious in learning and knowing things as he was because he always wanted to learn and was always ready for it to complete it...

What makes it complicated is short term curiosity... for example a person came across a new field hacking and was curious about it, now there would be two possibilities 

First, the boy was curious and so he started learning to hack... and after some time, left in middle and second when the boy started to collect every possible information, learned and used it, and converted his curiosity into deep learning.  Now that's what author wants us to understand the most. don't be just curious make it your passion and passionately work on it. the more you get curious about the field the more you move towards your mastery in it. Ask questions to yourself may it be the silly one but just ask.  Write it down and start finding your answers to them. every genius has one thing in common and that's keeping journals about their own thoughts ideas questions and solutions.

2. Demonstrazione : which means Demonstration.

I'll just keep a simple question in front of you... What would make a person learn swimming and become a master at it? Whether looking at championships or hiring a tutor for swimming or practicing it? obviously, it's by practicing. even we all must have noticed that practicals are more easily understood than merely reading the theory. the second principle says that all... Leonardo da Vinci believed that everything needs actions for better understandings, even our brain.so all we have to do is demonstrate things to your brain...practice things ...just as I told in the first point to keep journals. everyone must have read that but very few will do it for real. now just a simple step of taking actions can make you extraordinary and yellow in all blacks.

Here are just two principles from the book.....rest is covered in the next blog.

Link to part two - https://www.bookconnection.in/2020/09/how-to-think-like-genius-think-like-da_15.html

You can buy this book from here - https://amzn.to/3kmlZPs

Happy Reading!