Nervousness, Discomfort!
when faced with an uncomfortable situation/question humans tend to touch there body, this indicates nervousness. For Women, touching there neck, face, arms shoulders, playing with there necklaces, rings, hairs. If the woman is pregnant they touch their stomach. For men touching there face, playing with hairs, fixing shirts and tie are common. A couple other common for both are whistling, tapping the pen, excessive yawning. Basically, when faced with an uncomfortable situation limbic brain signals the human body to pacify it or distract it somehow and we result in these actions.
Most Honest part of the human body!
Any guesses.........? I hope you guessed something at least. Soo... Legs are the most honest part of the human body, the brain trusts legs soo much! why? Because even when humans barely had any cognitive abilities feet where its best friend, it helps us to run away from threats, it let us feel the temperature, feel the surroundings, it helped us to kick / attack, helped us to move, brain and legs have a very strong bond, even that most other animals don't even have hands they evolved with 4 legs. So even today brain trust feet for safety first.
here are the feet tactics. if you approach a person and they turn their whole body including the feet towards you that means they are welcoming your presence, the direction of the feet is crucial, If you are sitting with at a cafe with someone and their feet are pointing more toward the exit then you, I am sorry my friend she is not the one. It just means they just want to leave, as soon as possible. when feet are pointed towards you it means their whole body is towards you, they are open to you, they are comfortable. Crossed and stiff feet represent stress. If the legs are wide open, relaxed, taking more space it means the person is comfortable and wise versa. One more interesting one. If someone is standing with you with there legs crossed it means they are extremely comfortable with you. Because crossing the legs decreases balance, and it shows they trust you, they know you will protect them. Walking with a bounce indicates joy while walking with dragged shoulders represents sadness. well, there are 40 different walking styles mentioned in the book, but when you start to observe people you don't really need to memorize them, you can just immediately tell.
The Torso
Torso means we are talking about the upper chest area. What is the first thing you move/cover if something is thrown at you? Your Chest, Your Torso, right? wise versa, Leaning and Turning towards something shows interest. If someone is uncomfortable, they tend to cover their torso, cross their arms, put an obstacle in between for example a book, even buttoning up jacket. We tend to cover the torso subconsciously protecting our hearts. Let me tell you a cool fact, did you ever felt like butterflies in your stomach? It's a weird sensation in your stomach when you are nervous and kind of scare or insecure. Because in caveman times when we felt threatened or scared our heart starts pumping blood more in the major muscles, that is hands, legs so that we could face the threat. this decrease bool is stomach results in that weird sensation. Moving one to the next behavior, Sholder shrug, bouncing shoulders. Fully Bounced almost ear touching shoulders means a person is honest, half shoulder shrug represents dishonesty.
Our brain is attracted to hand a moment, People using more hand gestures are generally considered persuasive. Hitler was a horrible horrible man but had incredible command over a crowd. Even he used to practice hand gestures in front of the mirror, so hands are pretty important. Both hands in the pocket show under confidence, while one hand in the pocket with thumb out shows confidence, thumbs in the pocket also represent low confidence. A universally hated thing is to be pointed at, people hate if they catch someone pointing towards them especially with an index figure. Next Figure steepling, when you are touching figure tips of both the hands but not the palms, is called steepling. People do this when they are telling something they are extremely confident about. Other is figure crossing and this means underconfidence. so if someone goes from steepling to crossing know that they are not as confident in what they are saying now as they were previously.
The Most dishonest part of the human body. Because we pay so much attention to the face, that now we can lie with our faces. but let's get into tricks. When you enter a room and someone raises their eyebrows and open their eyes, it means they are happy that you are there. Oppositely, if they close their eyes it means they are not happy to see you. next, when we tilt our head, we expose a valuable part of our neck, so if someone tilts their head it shows comfort. Next is eye blocking. This was pretty cool as well, when someone hears bad news they close there eyes, they can cover it with their palms or just close them from more them average. now, here is the cool part even the baby in the womb closes its eyes if hears a loud noise. not convinced? Even a blind kid, covers his eyes when hears bad news! It is so ingrained in humans to block their eyes when they hear any bad news. The opposite is also true wider the eyes happier someone is. Looking at the ground doesn't mean disinterest, but means that person is processing information, and Last but not least people don't like it when you are looking all around the room. if you are at a dinner table or in an important interview. your focus should be only at the person next to you.